Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring Cleaning #28

I recently hopped on the anti-clutter bandwagon. Reading Karen Kingston's Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui was the real impetus behind my decluttering spree. She writes about the emotional and physical benefits of decluttering your space and delves into why people hang on to clutter. I tried a few of her techniques and immediately noticed a difference in my attitude and feelings.

I also love GTD. It's a fabulous book. I love this system of organization but it's not exactly geared toward people who are visual learners. Luckily, I ran across a great piece of software designed around GTD principles but instead of written lists, you have visual cues and "To Do" bubbles. It's called Goal Enforcer and you can read more about it here.

With Goal Enforcer, you can print out "To Do" lists, e-mail yourself reminders, etc. I love it. It's also pretty inexpensive.

I have tried Google Calendar but for some reason, it won't e-mail me my reminders. I've had better luck using the Zoho Planner that I learned about while using Zoho during the first ihcpl. After looking at the other websites, I have to say that I'm sticking with Goal Enforcer and Zoho Planner. They are both easier to use and work better for me.