Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Week 6, #15, Library 2.0

If you do a Google search for Library 2.0, you get 144,000,000 hits so obviously Library 2.0 is a hot topic.

I think L2.0 is all about changing the way we serve our customers.

Eventually, I think we will see the reference section dwindle down to a few shelves or disappear completely as most of those resources move to the web. This will free up more space for "pleasure" reading books (everything from romance to home decor), computer stations, and social areas.

And yes, I think books play a part of L2.0. Even with e-readers, audio books, Playaways, etc., I think the experience of reading a book will keep books around for a long time. Also, economically and environmentally, books are still the better option. I know most people will think that e-books are a great way to save the planet, but in truth, there are only a few components of a computer that are recyclable and quite a few elements that are toxic. With the proliferation of e-readers, iPhones, and other tech devices, we are faced with the dilemma of how to dispose of these items once they become obsolete. For more information, check out Coop America here. On the other hand, books are biodegradable and can be produced from recycled paper (as was the case for the new Harry Potter book).

In the end, I see our library evolving into a high tech community center with everything from storytimes to computer classes to e-reference.

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